Monday, November 16, 2009

Exorcise Weakness

If you want to be healthy you first need a healthy mind. You will need to strengthen your will and decide to make exercise part of your lifestyle. It’s not just something you do for season but it must become a regular part of your life. Like sleep and eating, exercise is not optional and you can always find time to do it. If you go for more than a couple of days without these essential elements you will start to get weak. We were made to move and you either use it or lose it. People that sit around too much get crotchety, cramped and cranky. Lazy people usually don’t feel good. And if you don’t get some kind of exercise at least three or four times a week you qualify as lazy. “Yea, but I don’t have time!” This is the great lie of the lame. Everybody has the same amount of time everyday some are just weaker willed than others when it comes to physical activity so they use this excuse. I hope this makes you mad enough to get up off your well developed rear end and do something about it. Or you can just sit around and be a lame weakling and hasten the day of your death.

If you will decide to “Just do it!” God will help you and I will too! And if you don’t I’ll be here to pray for you because you’ll probably be sick soon. Why should God help you take care of your body when you won’t even take care of it yourself? When you reap the consequences of a lazy lifestyle and then ask God to help you what do you think He’s going to do? I would say that He’s going to attempt to correct the root of the problem and help you change your manner of life. If you’re a bad steward of your body and expect God to heal what you daily destroy that’s just dumb. He will not take up the slack where you lack the conviction to do it for yourself.

However when you do decide to do His will and be healthy then He will supernaturally supply all the grace you need to succeed. It’s an everyday and lifetime decision to cooperate with Him and then you’ll walk in His provision. I know it’s hard but not as hard as being unhealthy. And the bottom line is that your body is His temple so will you glorify Him with it or be a reproach? I say it’s time to exorcise weakness and walk in Gods ways!

1 Cor 6:19-20
19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.

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